Shakespeare's Flowering of the Spirit
$ 30.00 USD
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What is the quality in Shakespeare’s dramas that gives them perennial human appeal, making them as popular today as they were to his own contemporaries?
Many Shakespearian critics have sought to answer this question. Margaret Bennell, however, approaches the problem by venturing into the relatively unexplored domain of the inner development of the dramatist’s soul and spirit. She illustrates her study with details from plays, including Love’s Labor’s Lost, The Merchant of Venice, Hamlet, King Lear, and The Tempest. She also makes refers frequently to the Rosicrucian spiritual movement, which was a dominant influence of his time.
Shakespeare’s Flowering of the Spirit is challenging and informative—a must for all students of Shakespeare and his works.
Authored by Margaret Bennel
172 pages
6.5" x 8.5"