Slow Investing
$ 15.00 USD
How Your Money Can Transform the World
edited and introduced by John Bloom
The title itself is telling. What can it mean? Of course, slow food has become an international movement pointing toward a reclaimed appreciation not just for eating locally grown healthy produce but also for the social forms, rites and rituals connected with eating that have slipped away in the rush of modern life and with the accessibility of fast food. Slow investing is food for thought and it’s telling us to slow down money and financial transactions.
Money today moves at the pace of electricity, often at the sacrifice of human relationships. Yet it is these relationships that are our greatest asset and would provide support even if there were no money. Slow investing is really about using investment money, in whatever form, to build lasting and meaningful relationships and community. Slow investing is part of the growing field of social finance, an alternative view of what money is all about.