Supersensible Knowledge (CW 55)

$ 20.00 USD

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13 lectures in Berlin and Cologne, October 11, 1906 - April 26, 1907 (CW 55)


Life is full of enigmas. Why do we suffer? What is evil? What happens to us after death? What is our origin?


Without answers to questions such as these, our life seems to lack real meaning and purpose. The materialistic science of our time has no real answers to offer, but the science of spirit can and does answer these an many other pressing mysteries of life.


Rudolf Steiner focuses the light of higher states of consciousness on these concerns of the human soul. He demonstrates in these lectures that Spiritual Science is not just a theory but a necessity for modern life, addressing many of life's questions—such as our relationship to the spiritual world, evolution, and destiny; the mystery of birth and death; the origin of evil and illness; and the essential problems of modern education. 


These important lectures are part of Steiner's remarkable annual public lecture series at the Architect's House in Berlin, from 1904 to 1918.




The Significance of Supersensible Knowledge Today

Blood Is a Very Special Fluid

The Origin of Suffering

The Origin of Evil

Illness and Death

Education in the Light of Spiritual Science

Education and Spiritual Science

Insanity in the Light of Spiritual Science

Wisdom and Health

Stages in Man's Development in the Light of Spiritual Science

Who are the Rosicrucians?

Richard Wagner and Mysticism

The Bible and Wisdom


Supersensible Knowledge is a translation from German of Die Erkenntnis des Übersinnlichen in unserer Zeit und deren Bedeutung für das heutige Leben