A Practical Manual of Meditation

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“It is easy to be good by being weak.
It is easy to be strong by being wicked. 
It is difficult and heroic to be free . . .”

Rudolf Steiner often emphasized the importance of meditation practice for the self-development of students of Anthroposophy. In his writings and lectures, he offered various instructions for approaches to meditation and for strengthening qualities needed to unfold our latent spiritual capacities.

In this accessible book, Massimo Scaligero—a lifelong student of Rudolf Steiner and Spiritual Science—systematically illumines Steiner’s practices, building on the foundation of our human constitution and explaining how and why these practices work. Such efforts take place in the world and with the people around us and restore us to our true condition: “Initiation is the restoration of the spirit’s original state, despite its human incarnation.”

This text by Massimo Scaligero should be read and thought deeply, but also acted upon. It will be an aid to all those who wish to take the path of initiation through Spiritual Science. 

A Practical Manual of Meditation is a translation from Italian of Manuale Pratico della Meditazione (Teseo, Rome, 1973/2005). 

Written by Massimo Scaligero

Translated by Eric Bisbocci

Published September 2015

188 pages

5" x 8"

Published 2015
