Creating Humus on the Farm: The Controlled Heat Method of Composting
$ 16.95 USD
In Creating Humus on the Farm, compost master Roland Ulrich shares practical, step-by-step methodology to transform kitchen compost material plus barnyard manure to humus. The controlled heat method of composting, compared with other methods, will save time, preserve more nutrients, and ultimately create greater quantities of stable humus to add to your garden and fields.
Living humus is the best and most natural way to fertilize soil. Dead chemical fertilizers cause deterioration of the soil which in turn impacts the quality of food production. Loss of humus can lead to soil erosion, water shortages, water pollution, and land loss.
As a farmer or home gardener you are in a unique position to make a valuable contribution to the health and vitality of the soil, and consequently to the nutrition we receive from our plants and animals. Whether you are already part of the organic agricultural movement or are just starting to explore the real benefits of soil conservation, you can choose to be a mindful steward of the earth. Creating Humus on the Farm is a uniquely valuable resource.
Written by Roland Ulrich
Pages: 55
Published April 2014