Saucy Tomatoes and Blueberry Thrills: A Humorous Harvest from the Biodynamic Farm
$ 11.95 USD
Is farming funny (punny)?
Biodynamic farming?
In this lively and wide-ranging selection of twenty-five short vignettes, John Bloom muses amusingly on, if not all, then many things under the sun.
Beginning with an inquiring mind, a sharp wit, and a vegetable (in that order), Mr. Bloom bounds from the biodynamic soil of Live Power Farm CSA in California, glides through literature, art, language, and history (all vegetable-related, of course), and lands back down in the rich compost of possibility. Inspired, above all, by his deep appreciation for the CSA model (and the food such farms produce), this collection, informative but lighthearted, points the way toward a more healthful future: from good food and humor, more good things will come.
Written by John Bloom
134 pages
- 5.25" x 8"
- Published: December 2014
- Paperback