The Inner Work Path: A Foundation for Meditative Practice in the Light of Anthroposophy

$ 15.00 USD

“Every step an individual takes affects the collective development of humanity. The world we experience now is a result of the inner work of past generations. By consciously working to understand and experience our connection to the higher worlds we are more able to fully realize and contribute to the higher unfolding of humankind.” —Lisa Romero


The author provides accessible insights into the activities of the human soul, outlines its relationship to spiritual life, and shows the way toward developing and strengthening our inner capacities through practical exercises, experience, and deep understanding. By building a bridge between the spiritual and the earthly, the development of such soul capacities awakens our consciousness, through which we can engage and transform our outer lives.


  • Written by Lisa Romero
  • 134 pages
  • 5" x 8"
  • Paperback