The Metamorphosis of Plants
$ 5.95 USD
This booklet contains Goethe's treatise on the metamorphosis of plants in 123 paragraphs as well as Rudolf Steiner's essay "The Origin of Goethe's Theory of Metamorphosis."
Anyone interested in Goethe's dynamic concept of the metamorphosis of plants should read this original treatise. A prime example of his "perceptive power of judgment," this fascinating little work introduces a radically new way of looking at plants as lively manifestations of dynamic formative principles.
Origin of the Theory of Metamorphosis by R. Steiner
The Metamorphosis of Plants
Of the Seed Leaves
The Development of the Stem-Leaves from Node to Node
Transition to the Flower
Formation of the Calyx
Formation of the Corolla
The Formation of the Stamens
More about the Stamens
Formation of the Style and Stigma
The Fruits
The Immediate Covering of the Seed
A Glance Backward and Forward
Eyes and their Development
Formation of Composite Flowers and Fruits
A Proliferous Rose
A Proliferous Carnation
Linnaeus's Theory of Anticipation
Written by Johann von Goethe
69 pages
5 1/2" x 8 1/2"
Published December 1993